Sunday, April 19, 2009

Moving On

(Nice climb)
Well its been an odd few weeks. I haven't been posting as I have been waiting for some blood tests to come back. When we arrived back form California, I was looking foreword to a week of rest. Well that week came and went. Usually after a rest week you feel a little odd, but the legs usually feel pretty good. They end up better than they have been as the idea is that your recovered from all the training you have been doing.
Well, after that week of rest I didn't feel good, but felt even worse...horrible even. There were some other things going on that I couldn't really ignore any longer and a rest week didn't seem to fix any problems. So, I went to a couple clinics and have been giving blood and talking with doctors. So far I've given 5 samples of blood over the course of a week and a half. I look like a junkie.

The big test results come back tomorrow and I have one final one tomorrow morning to give to see whats up. What the doctors think that I've cooked my adrenal gland or pituitary glad meaning my hormones are kinda out of wack. The main hormone I would be lacking would be testosterone which is vital for recovery and muscle building, not to mention day to day operations of this rig. That would explain a lot of things, and would explain feeling terrible during the later parts of Redlands.

So, that's whats been up. After a week of not riding(doctors orders) I hopped on the bike the past few days for light rides. I didn't feel great, but not bad either. The weather has been great here lately as well.
Because of a few appointments and horrible legs I skipped out on going to Sea Otter with the boys. I have been hanging around Portland exploring the city since most of the docs visits are there. It really is a cool place and there is a lot of good energy in the city. The cycling scene is great too and I'm excited to start exploring the riding routes.

That's basically been my life the past few weeks. I've mainly been trying to relax and de-stress.

On a ride last week Roman, Josh and I went to the legendary VooDoo donuts. You may have seen it on the Food Network on the "Diners, Dives, and Drive ins" show. Its basically a hole in the wall that makes delicious donuts. I think a job requirement is to have tons of tattoos and piercings and to 'hate the man'

I resisted as much as I could but I managed to steal half of Romans Bacon and Maple donut. It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo delicious. After that we asked them about the mythical 'Bucket of Donuts' which sells for $5 for a full bucket of day-olds.

So after paying $4 for 2 donuts, we paid $5 for a bucket......3 minutes later.

The tricky part was getting the donuts home. Roman took charge and we successfully got the deliciousness home. I'm proud to say the donuts have sat on the table in the bucket for a full week since the boys left and I've resisted the temptation to eat one. Yes.

1 comment:

piglet said...

I am unable to condone this blatant doughnut neglect. I'll bet your tests come back showing alarmingly low levels of fried sugar.