Thursday, March 4, 2010

into thin air

The days have been passing here in France. The weather has been slowly getting better, but the wind has picked up it seems, which makes for effective training but hard annoying days on the bike.

I rode Monday which normally I wouldnt do, but since my race didnt go so well I hoped to ride off the extra calories I packed in for the race. The legs felt a bit sluggish, but otherwise the ride was fine. I did a good 3 hours on Wednesday that lead to a major bonk. As I mentioned the wind has been annoying and combine it with consistant climbs, it takes it out of a guy!

Ive always ridden alone when building my base, so its been good to get out alone and just explore the area. France is unreal. You can have the best ride of you life simply by exploring. Most roads dont have signs or names but there is usually a direction arrow to where you want to go along the way. The riding here is so nice I would go here as a cyclotourist when Im like 50, hopefully Im still riding then, but the palce is a cyclists dream.

I believe a solid bonk is good for you every now and then. It keeps the body in check and tells it when it has to adapt, and start taking in more energy. This is what I was hoping to accomplish, and Im starting to feel like my old self again.

I did intervals today. HARD ones, and now that I have gotten into the high end, I hope the body knows where it has to go to race effectively. It takes a few of those sessions before It gets the idea I think.

More observations about France.

France likes to burn things. Since most of the houses are about 500 years old a lot of them still use a fire place as a primary source of heat. If you look to the horizon on a chilly day in France you will see a haze of smoke covering the rolling terrain. It looks nice but it reaks havoc on this guys asthma. During the cold snap I was dredding the cold days.

So the French will pretty much burn anything. Paper, wood, plastic, plastic bottles, garbage...anything thats lieing around goes into the fire.....along with burning Canadian cyclists legs.

There also seems to Condom machines everywhere.

1 comment:

hooked on phonics said...

You're not the first young Canadian to drop into Normandy scared as shit and not knowing what to expect. Our grandfathers did it and came out on top- at least no one's shooting at you! :) Keep the faith- it'll come around.
And keep your ammo dry and your gun clean.