Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cloudy Days

It hit me today. Usually during periods of lots of training you are constantly tired. Well, up until yesterday I was fine, but this morning I'm pretty cooked. I'm on my second cup of coffee, but it isn't doing much.

After Yuma I took a coffee shop day, but Tuesday was a double day. Some intense intervals were in order of .45 seconds and I decided to explore the crazy crazy climb in my neighborhood that Josh pointed out. I figure I'm sucking on the steep grades, so I might as well work on it.

The Garmin doesn't lie and parts of this beast go up to 22%! Its basically a grind in the 39x26(yeah we have 26's) but I'm hoping it will build some decent attacking speed/power. I'm just glad that ride is over. Later in the day called for a pretty chill 1.5 hours which I took the liberty
of stopping at the coffee shop before the ride.

Yesterday was a monster. A standard 6 hour ride turned into 6.5 hours and a crazy 210km! Usually when I have a ride that long I throw in some mountains to climb just to fill in the time, but I figured with the climbing the day before, and today I have some climbing I opted for a flatter day. Well the average speeds were up I guess as I seemed to rack up the miles.

Though I'm tired the resting HR this morning and the past few days has been hovering around 39BPM(Lance's was 26 during tour time) which was around what it was this time last year.

Today is another double day scheduled. We'll see how it goes.
(I think I saw a domination porno once called the 'Roasted Nut Crunch')

This weekend is the Tucson Bicycle Classic. Its made up of a short 6km TT, a road race, and a Circuit race. Thank god there isn't any Crits. Stupid American crits.

I'm trying to give the blog something other than what my boring day to day life consists of. I think its kind of selfish just telling people what I do everyday. I guess that's that point of the blog, but I'm trying to give it something else other than my life.

Now for something completely different.

I just finished reading 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' Josh knows this book well, despite not reading it, as every time I see him I usually tell him to read it at some point. Basically its about a guy who works for a major American Electrical Corporation that goes into developing countries who have natural resources(IE Oil/water/minerals). His job is to convince them to upgrade their country with new technologies and electrical needs in order for that country to develop into a 'Modern' new player in the world.

Basically he convinces them to go into debt to the United States. Once the country becomes in debt with a loan they cannot possibly pay back....they US then can control this country and use what they have when needed. Sound framilier...Panama...Venesuala...Iran...Iraq(failed attempt, but they got it anyway;))

Its a TRUE/Memoir written by John Perkins and really is fascinating. After reading it you'll never watch the news the same again. Especially American News.

With that, its time to finish cup number 2.


sebsalas said...

Please reference Lance's 26bpm Bullshit that you posted. HAHAHA.
All the best.

Unknown said...

Hey ryan its mike from vancouver the campione team just saw your results prety good i wondered what you were up to. But i read the book a couple of years ago and loved it realy opened up my eyes.