Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Not many exciting things have been happening , and the blog posts reflect that. I got back from the Cape Breton ride last weekend and that was a killer experience. I suggest anyone reading this should do it next year. It really is worth it. I think I might do a training camp in that neck of the woods some time. Cape Breton has biggest mountains I've been able to find in the Maritimes.

I'm back at Smooth Cycle working. This time of the year the main goal is to try to save some money. I think I might start putting some of my pay cheque into a savings account to be used next spring/summer. I will need the bucks then more than I need them now I imagine.

I'm also taking a couple University courses. Not so much with the idea of working toward a degree but more so just get feel like someone who is 22 years old. Something as simple as going to class and learning something and being in a thinking environment is so different for me. I love it...almost too much. I Also need a dose of the student lifestyle as well. For me going out to Trivia and getting a beer is something I haven't done in.....months. Even being around people my age is a pretty big shocker...I'm use to only talking to my team-mates...and the cats.

I have some big ideas for a pretty cool race coming up. We'll see how that pans out organizational wise, but I'm going to scout out a course tomorrow. If I can get it to the level I want it to be at, It will be super cool.

I've been putting off ordering a Surly Cross Check for 2 years. All that time I've had a use for that bike, and I have always wanted it. I've even collected all the parts from years of being a bike shop lackee. Well this year I thought about it and decided....what-ever...Just order the friggin bike. So I picked up the phone and called NRG...and they don't have any Cross-Check frames available....from46cm-60cm...yeesh.

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