Friday, May 25, 2007

Soft and Sticky

The Fellas and I bit farewell to Bromont and headed North to Mt.Tremblant. First of course, we stopped in Montreal to see the sights. The sights being a dozen Montreal Bagels and some smoked meat sandwiches from Schwart's. Ive been in Montreal a 4 or 5 times the past few years, and the only reason was to do the rounds and experience some solid french cuisine.

Of course both the bagels and fat meat sandwiches were delicious, but always leave you with a feeling of being 400 pounds. Not the best before a bike race.

On we went toward Tremblant, and we were greeted with something none of us expected. 33 degree heat. For the first time in my racing career(so far) the Tremblant course is dry. Usually you have to fight through 6 inch deep muck and go through drive-trains and full sets of brake pads in one race(similar to Bromont last weekend).

There is threatening thunderstorms tonight, which add a big question mark to the days events tomorrow, so there might be some fast tire changes tomorrow morning. The future will tell.
We have 5 people from the maritimes in our small hotel room right now to keep expenses down, but the real test will come after the race on Sunday when we all b-line it back to the old country. 5 bike racers, 5 bikes, and a months worth of gear each....crammed into a 5 seater Subaru for 10 hours. Yeesh. I need a drink

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