Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Check your Horrorscope

Not a lot of blog updates but tonnes going on. Its hard to get the 'ol blog action going when you work full time and ride 20 hours a week. Yeesh.

After a nice rest, a good week of Tour Du PEI action and a few days spent solid in bed from sickness I feel I'm back to full form. Riding has been great, and I'm taking advantage of all the bikes in my stable.

BC is looming overhead again, but I honest to god don't think I can afford to go out there. Nationals is in my BC hometown, but the only way I could get out would be to take on huge debt on top of what I'm all ready trying to pay off. I would love to stay around the Maritimes and just race the local scene as it seems there are a few interesting events going on. Races like the 8 Hours of Gore and a few Epics. I would love to bring out the SS to see how these legs fare up to the Maritimes contingent. Its one of those things where if I did decide to stay on PEI, and didn't make the trip out West, I would always wonder how I would have fared up at Nats. I feel I'm in the best shape of my life right now, and I've done well at the Mt. Washington course before, so it keeps tugging at my mind.

So many possibilities.

On the other hand. My good buddy D-rack is heading to Holland today for some Jr. roadie racing. That kid will turn some heads for sure. Keep putting to pedals down big fella.

Speaking of good buddies. My former BC landlord Andrew Brown has been ripping the Vancouver Island Cup scene. He pulled out a second place at the last VI-Cup and managed to pull second overall in the series. The East Infection Spreads. We just peak later in the season.

With that said I'm off for some coffee, and hopefully a good 3 hour MTB haul later today.

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