Sunday, June 3, 2007

Ya'll come back now ya hear!

All this week I could tell I was tired. Internally tired. All the travel, all the racing and all the riding has caught up to me. Sleeping in different beds for months called for a week of downtime of just hanging out with my buds who I haven't seen in awhile. Despite a solid hangover from last night I feel great.

I started working at Smooth Cycle again last week and so far its been going great. Repairs have been going out and I'm loving the wrench in my hand again. That place is set up well so the mechanics (if they want to) can shut all the customers off, ignore the phone, and just wrench, and not worry about anything but wrenching. I love it.

Riding for me has been picking up again. I took about 2 days off solid. Then started commuting to get the blood flowing. Slowly went on a few MTB rides, and then pulled out a nice long 3 and-a-half hour'er a few days ago on the 'ol MTB. It was tougher than usual when I realized my cliff bar was a year expired and was unfit to eat. So the only sustenance I had was a handful of wine gums and an expired Cliff Shot. No matter, it was one of those rides where you have to check the limiters to see where everything sits.

After my limiter-check, Cory Jay called me late that night saying I was in the Red Cross Relay, or the PEI Olympics as they are known. Cory's MTB'er had hurt his knee so I was in. Keeping in mind my 3 hour-day that day and the fact I would have to get up at 6:30 made me feel as if I had a rough day ahead.

No matter, our team, known as Team Speed couldn't have done much better. We won the overall by 22 minutes, won 4 of the 5 stages, and I managed to win the MTB leg by 6 minutes on a 19 km TT. No to bad.

So with that in mind the fellas and I had a bonfire last night to celebrate, and to cap off my mid-season rest week. Much drink was had, and I feel I've gotten it out of my system to push onto the next mountain bike adventure.

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