Thursday, June 28, 2007

What flavor today?

Cha ever think that your life revolves around cycling too much. I realized that without this cycling business I wouldn't have much to do. I ride a bike to work, which is at a bike shop, where I talk about, and fix bikes all day long. Even at lunch, everything I consume is thought out about how it will make me faster riding a bike. After lunch, work and talk about bikes some more.

When the work day is done, then I ride my bike home, and have a bite to eat before hopping on a different bike to go for a different type of ride. Mountain bike ride, road ride, fixxie ride, single speed ride. Which flavor do you want today.

After I get home from my ride, I call up the little lady and talk about what I did all day, then go on bike websites to see whats going on in the cycling world. I sometimes wonder when I'll burn out from all this cycling stuff. I guess winter is a good time to take a step back from the cycling world when there is 3 feet of snow outside. Winter has a way of stroking the fires a little bit. Man, I need a life

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