Friday, July 13, 2007

How to re-assemble a fax machine.

Have you seen your Tour de Fance today? This is the third year in a row where I'm in the height of Tour time with no TV. Most nights I'm roaming the streets of Cumberland looking for a friendly face who has a tv. In this town, that's few a far between.

Last night Andrew B and I climbed the death hill of Mt. Washingmachine. Its never easy, and for most of the climb it feels like you heart is going to explode. I'll tell ya, there isn't a much better feeling than when your at the top.

Last year, I pulled a dually climbing it twice back to back in one day. A few weeks after that i broke the SS record at the Test. Yesterday I intended to do the same, but by the top, I felt like crap. This left me with an un-nerving feeling as Nationals are only a week away. I realized that I did do 2 balls-to-the-wall races in the past 4 days, so that could explain the poor showing.

I've reached the time of year where I'm pretty much done. No more work needs to be done as Nationals are a week away, and I couldn't gain much fitness from here on out. Its time to put the legs up and work on resting.
With that being said I'm off to Squamish tomorrow to to the legendary GearJammer MTB Marathon. 47 km of BC single track love.

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