Friday, January 11, 2008

The Test

As every cyclist knows, January is the time for testing. The test is not to see how strong you are, but just how much you suck this time of year. It comes in the form of the standard wattage test, which basically means you ride until you throw up...or your legs just wont pedal fast enough anymore. Either way its not a fun way to spend an evening.
Coach Andrew is the man who distributes the pain this time around, and I managed to hop in with the Canada Games eligible kids. Aboard a new Comu-trainer the team bought, we were ready to roll. Some of the kids managed to push the big gears and were given a taste of the wattage test love. Props go to my boy Derek for moving those chicken legs.

I managed to get into the 360W range, which isn't bad, but isn't great either. The key is that I've stayed relatively light surviving the Christmas/Drinking season. I still haven't found a warm place to ride yet, that's next on the agenda.

1 comment:

This is life said...

Is that Stevie doing the wattage test?