Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Times they are a Changin'

Ok Kids, here we go again. This is the 100th post of "The Fine Grind" which is a good way to start off the 2008 racing season. I'm back folks for what hopes to be a great season of racing, travelling and stories you wouldn't tell your mother.
So far my season is very patchy, meaning it hasn't been planned at all yet. The Canada Cup schedule hasn't been released, and I don't have a warm place to go and train..yet. It seems I've put too much stock in one thing, and I am now left with not much of anything to show for it. No team, no plans, but a lot of motivation.

I'm planning on doing more of the road side of things next year in the hopes that I can get a little more support and get into a solid development program. I have a new coach with Luc Arsenault from the Atlantic Cycling Center, and an idea of a couple races I'd like to hit up.

I managed to get my entry into the coveted Single Speed World Championship 2008. The first 350 applicants were taken out of 800 who applied and I managed to squeeze in when registration opened on New Years Day. I think it might have been the picture I sent the organizers in the comment box that gave me the extra lee-way.

The race takes place on my birthday, August 23rd in Napa California. The boys and I have been to one other SSChamps in 2005, and I can honestly say it was the best, and worst experience of my life.

( My friend Pat who came to the race for the sole purpose of getting drunk. He doesn't even ride a MTB. At SSWC the drunker the better, and he managed to get a job driving from feed station to feed station in someone else's car as drunk as a skunk on Sunday. Not to mention he was 18 at the time.)

1 comment:

This is life said...

They were the best of times, they were the worst of times.