Saturday, May 24, 2008


"Yes officer 50km/h biking to work is a little fast I guess."

I got my legs dirty for the first time of year year last night. I was having the worst day ever. The type of day where everything you touch goes bad. Simple things like getting a glass of water results in a broken glass. Whatever.

So I went mountain biking. WOW, it is so much fun. I cant believe how much fun I had. Port Moody use to be the place to ride XC in Vancouver until the contractors discovered it, but some of the love still remains. Surprisingly there is pretty good trail right out the front door. I found myself trapped in the flow of the trail on numerous occasions then I looked up and realized I was 4 feet of the ground with a 5 foot drop in front of me. It was then that I decided to put on the brakes.

The mountain bike feels so weird compared to the road. Despite that the Fhast was the perfect tool for finding flow.

Since Linda has bit the dust, I'm off today to built up Linda Part Deux! Hopefully she will go together smoothly as I have to race her tomorrow.


This is life said...

I can't believe you got a speeding ticket on your bike...

shawna said...

Kick.His.Ass. I would laugh in his face and bike away. Honestly, there has got to be something better for the community that cop could have been doing then pulling you over. The no helmet thing tho... What happened to Linda?