Thursday, April 1, 2010

On my Feet

Whoa, long time no posts. No, I havnet been slacking, just travelling a bit. Being my first time in Europe and also missing my darling, I decided to take a week off and do some sightseeing. This may be the only time in my life I'm in Europe, so I wanted to make the best of it.
I booked my flights to Dublin (where Mal is living) with RyanAir, which proved to be cheap but ended up being a nightmare. They treated me the worst I have ever been treated by a company ever. Not only did they make me wait 3 hours longer for my flight, they then cancelled it at mid-night. It was then that I had to wait in line for 3 hours in the airport waiting for my new ticket. I was at the ticket counter finally at 3am waiting for my ticket to print off when the printer broke.

I was then told that they wouldnt be paying for a hotel and I had to take a bus at 3am, an hour to Paris, and buy my own hotel(which is against the law in Europe). I didnt get to bed until 5am that morning. The next day at 10pm(over 24 hours lag time) I arrived back at the airport after paying $25 for another bus ride. This flight went ok, but it was still a kick in the face.

Moving on........................

The trip went great. I had fun just being a toursit and looking around Dublin with my lady. I drank much beer, ate a lot of beef stews, and saw all of the sights including the Guiness Brewery. It was great to be able to speak English freely!

From there Mal and I travelled to Paris for a couple days. She has a chill-do-things-as-they-come attitude, while I have a list of things to do, and sights to see attitude. Surprisingly we made it out great, still seeing most of the sights while doing it at a chill pace.

Our rented apartment came with a Saeco espresso machine and we poished off 2lbs of espresso between us in 4 days, it was great.

Of course the highlights were the Eifell tower, Montparnasse, the Catacombs(thanks Bill) Champs Elysee, Momartre(sp?) and a lot of time at churches and simply sitting at coffee shops and going to bakeries.

Traveling through Paris and Dublin was great. Seeing all of the sights and being a tourist is needed to let the mind relaxe, but the best part for me was really just seeing my lady. As a bike racer you spend so much time alone in wierd places not really talking to anyone and living a life that is lightyears away from a normal 23 year old. So because of this, its a huge decompression to see the ones your close to, even for only a few days.

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