Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Beer and Chips Day

I haven't been riding my mountain bike this week because, while at work I managed to jam my thumb in a kickstand resulting in a giant blood blister the size of a nickle. I still made the bike sale though. I'm not getting much sympathy around the house as Mirelle managed to get trampled by a horse on the same day.

So, lots of time on the roadie where a sore thumb doesn't matter as much. This week also happens to be the last week of my base building phase. Lots of time. I can feel its time to switch over to some speed, the legs want to go faster other than the typical 4 hour long slow distance ride, and I have to remind myself of what the weekly goal is. Whoa Cowboy.

Lots of roadie time is probably a good thing seeing as how there is a stage race this weekend. Crit, TT and Road Race. Remember to wear the training bibs, and shave the legs all the way to my ass because this fella is expecting to loose some skin. It has been raining 26 days straight, and I don't think its going to change for race day.

It'll be interesting to switch from 3-5 hour mellow rides, to 2 hour rides with horrible pain. It will afford me to more time to oogle girls at the coffee shop.

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