Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Changing Gears

I finished up my first real race of the year yesterday. A stage race in Langley. Things went well for being the first race of the year, and the first major road race(over 100 guys and 140km) in a long time. I felt stronger than I thought I was, which is good to know this time of year.

Last week was the biggest week I'll put in probably all year. It was the final phase of my base building(long slow rides). It ended up being about a 22 hour week, 10 hours on the Opus Mtb. With every 3 building weeks comes a rest week and I'm loving a little bit extra time to put my feet up and have a beer. Its Tuesday and I'm all ready getting antsy to get going again. So much work to do.

I needed some sort of recovery ride today and I also needed to get a new electric ass razor. Since there is no ladies in the picture right now, that area doesn't get the maintenance it should, but it still needs to be done either way. Being the son of a Sasquatch isn't always a good thing. I decided to get 2 birds stoned at once, and make the 10km(ish) ride to Wal-Mart to take care of business.
Every time I go there I get a lecture from Andrew Brown because shopping there contributes to Wal-mart employees not getting a dental plan. I can justify it though because I'm living about $8000 below the poverty line.

On that note, not much else is going on. I fly back to old country in a few weeks, then off to the big races. My knees are all ready shaking.

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