Saturday, April 28, 2007

Japanese Dream

I'm about to pack it in this evening. Tomorrow being the second MTB race of the year. All I can really ask for is a constant race. Its all I can hope for being that I barley rode this week because of the combination knee injury and sickness, whatever happens will happen.

Racing and training are all about routine. If you ask any cyclist, I'm sure they would tell you some ridiculous routines and schedules that don't make sense to most people. Me especially, I'm a bundle of nerves before a race and have the weirdest habits, which I will not speak of here for your children's safety.

However, one of these routines is eating pancakes before a race. Man, I hate pancakes. At first they were good, who doesn't like Pancakes? But every weekend, wether you want them or not. On top of that you have to eat a lot of them for a big race. After awhile, its the last thing you want to eat.

I've also now started to associate Pancakes with a whole hell of a lot of pain. My body knows, every time I eat the fuckers that it better get ready to suffer, long and hard. Not a good combination. Waffles are better. I'm not sick of waffles and they are pretty much the same thing, but they are hard to find in restaurants in the middle of no-where sometimes. Remember, you have to stick to the routine....or else!

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