Sunday, April 8, 2007

Opus Twins

Living in one of the best places in Canada to ride a bike, you often have a lot of interesting(and quick) training buddies. Today I rode with Olympian, team relay World Champion and also Courtenay resident(for 3 weeks of the year) Kiara Bisaro. Let me tell ya, she can definitely put the pepper on a ride when she wants to.

We stuck to the tried tested and true trails of Cumberland and managed to rip though the pouring rain. I wanted this ride to be a good test of how the legs felt after a rest week, but they seemed to have let me down as I now think I am harbouring some inner sickness. I must have caught some of the death cold that is going around the Valley. Either way, maybe a bit more solid rest is in order. I would rather take a few days off now and get a solid few weeks of intensity than have to stop mid way from sickness and being worn out. The Canada Cups aren't far away.

Kiara is also sponsored by Opus Bikes. She however is on the full meal deal. That's what happens when your ranked high in the World. It was pretty cool comparing our bikes. They look pretty much the same but on closer inspection, her frame is a 2008 model with some little tweaks here and there for Kiara. I found it neat seeing that some of the little things that had been changed for 2008. They are always one step ahead.

It was pretty cold today, and the rain didn't help matters. I rolled in with a total ride time of just over 4 hours, and I'm definitely feeling the weather. Cold days seem to eat you away, without you even realizing it.

I tried out my new Maxxis Advantage tires today for the first time, and I'm super happy with them. I railed them into the corners just as hard as the 2.35's I was running, and they stick like glue in the greasy mud. I was pretty surprised actually because they are a pinner race tire. I think they might be the tread pattern of choice for the mud usually encountered in the Canada Cups

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